Conferences & courses
Lorentz workshop | Nov 4-8, Leiden (NL)
Topic: It’s About Time - Improving Intensive Longitudinal Data
The aim of this workshop is to address the measurement challenges of intensive longitudinal data and improve the validity of inferences drawn from data collected with ecological momentary assessment (EMA).
Organized by the Measurement Is The New Black (MITNB) consortium, hosted by the Lorentz center, Leiden.
COPE seminar | Nov 7, Oslo (NO)
Topic: Studying change in anxiety and depression
Department-wide seminar organised by the COPE research group to connect with international collaborators from the Experimental Psychopathology (EPP) lab at Utrecht University.
Revealing state changes in emotion during treatment for depression: presenting recent work
Emotions | Oct 4-6, Tilburg (NL)
International 5-yearly conference | Conference program book
ESM Expert Network Meeting | Sep 14-15, Groningen (NL)
Belgian-Dutch Network for ESM Research in Mental Health
Annual network meeting for experience sampling method (ESM) experts
Organised by University Medical Center Groningen
Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) | June 21-24, Dublin (IE)
54th International Annual Meeting | Conference program
Testing the clinical promise of early warning signals
Empirical findings in depressed individuals receiving psychotherapy
Empirical findings in depressed individuals receiving psychotherapy
Society for Ambulatory Assessment | June 5-7, Amsterdam (NL)
Annual conference | Topic: Stress in action | Conference program & abstracts
Shifts in time: identifying reliable symptom changes of different duration in within-person time series
Teaching and Learning for Accessibility and with Universal Design | WORKSHOP | May 15
The workshop offers opportunities for academics and those who work with or conduct research on accessibility and universal design to learn about what UiO offers.
There will be presentations on theories and concepts related to accessibility and universal design in higher education, as well as a place to try out hardware and software designed to meet at least some of the goals of universal design.
Participants may receive 10 hours toward their basic competence in pedagogy by completing two additional assignments.
University of Oslo
Organised by LINK – Centre for Learning, Innovation & Academic Development
Organised by LINK – Centre for Learning, Innovation & Academic Development
International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) | Mar 9-11, Brussels (BE)
Annual congress | Conference program book
Testing the clinical promise of early warning signals: empirical findings in depressed individuals**Symposium accepted, but could not attend the conference due to personal circumstances.
European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT) | Sep 7-10, Barcelona (ES)
Annual congress | Topic: Rethinking CBT: providing strategies for a new way of living. | Conference program | Book of abstracts
Is it too early for early warning signals?
A study of rising autocorrelation and variance as personalized predictors of transitions towards depressive symptom improvement in individual patients
A study of rising autocorrelation and variance as personalized predictors of transitions towards depressive symptom improvement in individual patients
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education | COURSE | Fall '22
This module provides an introduction to the basics in university pedagogy and offers opportunities to develop one's own teaching practice together with other participants.
Module Scope: 120 hours, incl. face-to-face meetings, assignments between meetings, a peer mentoring process (observation of 4 teaching sessions) and the completion of an individual reflection report.
Themes addressed in the course are
Perspectives on learning and teaching in higher education
Learning environments and learning technologies
Course design, teaching, supervision and evaluation of teaching
Student assessment and feedback
Collegial peer-feedback and peer-mentoring
Professional responsibility as a university teacher, including ethical and relational aspects related to teaching
Course director: Anna Mavroudi
University of Oslo
Organised by LINK – Centre for Learning, Innovation & Academic Development
University of Oslo
Organised by LINK – Centre for Learning, Innovation & Academic Development
European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT) | Sep 8-11, Belfast (IE) & online
Annual congress | Topic: CBT Back to the future | Conference program | Book of abstracts
Shifts in time: identifying reliable symptom changes of different duration in within-person time series
Society for Ambulatory Assessment conference | June 30-July 2, Online
7th biennial conference | Topic: Capturing human development accross daily life contexts | Conference program & abstracts
The rocky road to recovery: do early warning signals precede transitions towards depressive symptom improvement?
13th DynaNeT lab meeting | Feb 9, Online
Dynamical Network and Time series models lab meeting for researchers working on these topics (primarily) in the context of psychopathology.
Organised by dr. Laura Bringmann
ESM Expert Network Meeting | Nov 26, Online
Belgian-Dutch Network for ESM Research in Mental Health
Annual network meeting for experience sampling method (ESM) experts from Belgium and The Netherlands.
Intensive longitudinal methods | COURSE | Nov 19-21
Course focused on intensive longitudinal methods, particularly on linear mixed models and extensions that model both means and variances.
Course director: Don Hedeker
Remote seminar
Organised by Statistical Horizons
Remote seminar
Organised by Statistical Horizons
Celebrating Openness | Open Research Award | Oct 22
Online event
Event to celebrate the many ways in which academics make their research more accessible, transparent or reproducible.
Organised by University of Groningen Library (UB) and Open Science Community Groningen
Could you be more specific?
Preregistering analysis choices for a preconceived set of hypotheses
Preregistering analysis choices for a preconceived set of hypotheses
Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS) | June 22-23
Remote edition | online conference
An action-oriented psychology conference, aimed at initiating discussions, projects and participation in hack-a-thons, workshops and unconference sessions, where everyone is free to join or change sessions.
SHARE Day | Nov 14, Groningen (NL)
Topic: Impact
Annual day of workshops, keynotes and lectures organised by the graduate school. Topics included the reproducibility crisis, Equivalence testing (Daniël Lakens), and multiverse analysis (Francis Tuerlinckx).
Organised by Research Institute SHARE | Graduate School of Medical Sciences, UMCG
ESM Expert Network Meeting | Oct 15-16, Tilburg (NL)
Belgian-Dutch Network for ESM Research in Mental Health
Annual network meeting for experience sampling method (ESM) experts from Belgium and The Netherlands.
Organised by Tilburg Experience Sampling Center (TESC) | Tilburg University
Modeling the Dynamics of Intensive Longitudinal Data | COURSE | Aug 19-23
A five-day course on how to study dynamics in intensive longitudinal data, such as ambulatory assessments (AA), experience sampling method (ESM) data, ecological momentary assessments (EMA), real time data capture, observational data or electronic daily diaries. The course provides a tour of diverse modeling approaches for such data and the philosophies behind them, as well as practical experience with these modeling techniques using different software packages (including R and Mplus).
Course director: Prof. dr. Ellen Hamaker
Utrecht Summer School, Utrecht (NL)
Organised by Utrecht University | Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Utrecht Summer School, Utrecht (NL)
Organised by Utrecht University | Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Complexity Methods for Behavioural Science | COURSE | July 8-12
A toolbox for studying change
A five-day course on research methods developed to study complex adaptive dynamical systems and networks, applied to the study of human behaviour. The idea behind many methods for studying the dynamics of complex systems is to exploit the fact that “everything is interacting” and quantify the degree of periodicity, nonlinearity, context sensitivity or resistance to perturbation (resilience) of system behaviour. The main focus of the course was hands-on data-analysis.
Course leader: Fred Hasselman
Radboud Summer School, Nijmegen (NL)
Organised by Radboud University Nijmegen | Behavioural Science Institute
Radboud Summer School, Nijmegen (NL)
Organised by Radboud University Nijmegen | Behavioural Science Institute
Society for Ambulatory Assessment conference | June 19-22, Syracuse, NY (USA)
6th biennial conference | Topic: Understanding how persons change: from observations to intervention
Daily dynamics of negative affect: an indicator for response to treatment and remission from depression?
Rob Giel Onderzoekscentrum (RGOc) studiemiddag | Dec 11, Zuidlaren (NL)
Topic: Gepersonaliseerde zorg: geen woorden maar daden
Topic: Gepersonaliseerde zorg: geen woorden maar daden
Clinical conference organised by University Medical Center Groningen, University Center Psychiatry and RGOc.
Kleine stapjes en grote sprongen: patronen van verandering leiden tot betere uitkomsten in depressie
Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry V | May 28-30, Copenhagen (DK)
The problems of Multiple Levels, Explanatory Pluralism, Reduction and Emergence
The problems of Multiple Levels, Explanatory Pluralism, Reduction and Emergence
This conference explored how the field of psychiatry incorporates a plethora of viable explanatory approaches (biology, neuroscience, clinical psychology, epidemiology, sociology, etc.) in an attempt to understand the causes of psychiatric illness.
ESM Expert Network Meeting | Nov 29-30, Heerlen (NL)
Belgian-Dutch Network for ESM Research in Mental Health
Belgian-Dutch Network for ESM Research in Mental Health
Annual network meeting for experience sampling method (ESM) experts from Belgium and The Netherlands.
Organised by Open University Heerlen & Maastricht University
Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) conference | June 27-30, Amsterdam (NL)
49th International Annual Meeting
Predicting Transitions in Complex Systems | Apr 23-28, Dresden (DE)
International Workshop
Complex dynamical systems can show sudden transitions to very diverse regimes. The workshop focused on new advances in data-driven approaches for identifying, characterizing and predicting regime transitions, and promoting cross-fertilization across disciplines.
Organized by the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
Clinical Relevance versus Statistical Significance | COURSE | Dec 5-7
Compared to statistical significance, little attention is paid to the importance of “clinical relevance” in scientific research. This short course dealt with the role clinical relevance plays in sample size determination (power), describing the results and statistical testing.
Course coordinator: Dr. Eric van Sonderen
Offered by Graduate School of Medical Sciences & University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen (NL)
Offered by Graduate School of Medical Sciences & University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen (NL)
ESM Expert Network Meeting | Nov 24, Groningen (NL)
Belgian-Dutch Network for ESM Research in Mental Health
Annual network meeting for experience sampling method (ESM) experts from Belgium and The Netherlands.
Organised by University Medical Center Groningen
Advanced (non)linear regression techniques | COURSE | Oct 30-Nov 11
This statistics course offered an advanced introduction into Generalized Additive Modeling and (Logistic) Mixed-Effects Regression.
Course coordinator: Dr. Martijn Wieling
Offered by BCN & University of Groningen, Groningen (NL)
Offered by BCN & University of Groningen, Groningen (NL)
Society for Ambulatory Assessment conference | June 14-17, Esch-sur-Alzette (LU)
5th biennial conference | Topic: Digital Health in Ambulatory Assessment
Conference program | Book of abstracts | My poster presentation
Reality check: an experience sampling study of the relationship between theory of mind and social functioning of patients with schizophrenia
MINI SCAN certification | COURSE | Feb 22 & Mar 1
Training for MINI-SCAN diagnostic interview
Course coordinator: Drs. F. J. Nienhuis | Groningen (NL)
Offered by Rob Giel Onderzoekscentrum & University Medical Center Groningen
Offered by Rob Giel Onderzoekscentrum & University Medical Center Groningen
ESM Expert Network Meeting | Nov 24, Leuven (BE)
Belgian-Dutch Network for ESM Research in Mental Health
First network meeting for experience sampling method (ESM) experts from Belgium and The Netherlands.
Organised by Center for Contextual Psychiatry | KU Leuven